Ultrasonic Cleaning

Ultrasonic Cleaning Pleasant Grove, UT

Remove infection and debris from healthy gums.

When periodontal health is on the line, ultrasonic cleaning is one of our most important tools to improve oral hygiene. It may be used to accompany regular dental cleaning appointments and checkups, as well as scaling and root planing (also known as root debridement or deep cleaning). One of the leading causes of periodontal disease is the buildup of plaque, tartar, and calculus. These harmful substances accumulate on teeth, both above and below the gumline. Ultrasonic cleaning help remove them.

What does it involve?

The equipment utilizes a tooth scaler with a special vibrating tip that also provides water. As it removes the tough buildup, it also flushes out bacteria below the gum line. It rinses away infection and debris from healthy gums. As the tip glides over tooth surfaces, it is much more effective at removing buildup than hand scaling alone. It smoothes out bumps and divots on the tooth surface, creating an environment that’s more resistant to calculus/tartar buildup.

If you experience symptoms of periodontal disease such as red, sensitive, swollen, painful, or bleeding gums, then please call us at (801) 369-1713. We can provide a periodontal assessment to determine what treatment is right for you and if you might be a good candidate for ultrasonic cleaning.